Student Guidelines for Compositions


At least two of the four points considered towards your grade will focus on your competency in word process. The following guidelines must be adhered to.

All written work will be:

  • Double spaced
  • Size 12 Arial font
  • ½ inch indents for all paragraphs
  • The heading should be single spaced and appear in the upper right hand corner and include the following:

Class and period
Date due

  • The title must be centered and bold
  • All diacritical marks that correspond to the target language must be done by computer. See the chart below.

Accent Codes

3-digit accent codes for IBM compatibles

Hold down the ALT key while entering these codes and make sure the NUM LOCK key is on. Use the number key pad to enter the digits.

á 160
â 131
à 133
ä 132

é 130
ê 136
è 138
ë 137
É 144

í 161
î 140
ì 141
ï 139

ó 162
ô 147
ò 149
ö 148

ú 163
û 150
ù 151
ü 129

ñ 164
Ñ 165
ç 135
Ç 128
ß 225

ª 166º  167« 174» 175¿ 168¡ 173