Modern Language Proficiency Guidelines

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Below, please see the possible range of student achievement of language proficiency by the end of each language/course:

Gr. 2-4 Spanish- Novice Low

Strategies to get to the next level (adapted from ACTFL/AAPPL Score Descriptions):

Interpersonal Speaking/Listening- When you answer questions, try to use more than one word and even a phrase. Practice asking questions and keep learning new words. Practice asking more questions on more topics. Combine your words and phrases into simple sentences. Keep learning new words!

Interpretative Reading/Listening- Try to understand more by looking/listening for clues such as pictures, titles, words or parts of words that you recognize, words that are similar to words in your own language. Think about what you already know about a topic for additional clues about the topic. Then go back and reread/re-listen and see what more you can understand.

Presentational Writing- Keep a word journal. Every time you learn a new word or phrase, add it to your journal. Practice combining your words and phrases to form simple sentences.